CRE-02™ 120 EC-Caps (Acid-Resistant, Delayed-Release Veggie Capsules) LOT#230546700
$69.95 $49.99

120 EC-Caps (Acid-Resistant, Delayed-Release Veggie Capsules)

BSCG Certified Drug Free!

Product Details



CRE-02™ is delivered via acid-resistant, delayed-release veggie capsules, creating a stomach stable creatine, ATP and Cordyceps matrix. This specialized delivery system allows the ingredients in CRE-02™ to bypass destruction & byproduct conversion in the acidic environment of the stomach, remaining intact for rapid diffusion and absorption in the more alkaline environment of the small intestine.*

Stacking Suggestions: CRE-O2™ may be stacked with Cordygen5™, Oxyjun® or Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™.

CRE-02™ is third party tested for banned substances and certified drug free by the BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group).  GLUTEN FREE PRODUCT!

Suggested Use: Training Days - For best results take four  (4) EC-Caps 120 minutes before weightlifting or endurance activity, preferably on an empty stomach. Non-Training Days: Continue taking four (4) EC-Caps. Athletes over 200 pounds may take 5 to 6 EC-Caps daily, if desired.  Note: If you train in the early morning you may take CRE-02™ prior to bed.

Warning: Consult your physician prior to use, especially if you have any existing medical condition. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing. Store in a cool, dry place. Excess heat & humidity can damage this product. Keep out of reach of children. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

CREATINE MagnaPower® is a registered trademark of Albion® Human Nutrition & is manufactured under US patent #6,114,379.

Product FAQ
Where is CRE-O2™ Manufactured?

Like all of our awesome products, CRE-O2™ is proudly manufactured in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, USA in a cGMP facility.

Should I take CRE-O2 on my non-training days?

Yes, we recommend taking CRE-02 on your non-training days to keep it in your system. You can use a reduced dose (1-2 EC-Tabs) if desired.

I train first thing in the morning and I don’t have time to dose 120 minutes pre-workout. Can I still use CRE-O2?

Yes!  Take your dose prior to bed (it’s stimulant free and won’t keep you awake).  It will be plenty active in the morning and save you a lot of hassle.   

What Is OxyCeps-ATP?

The OxyCeps-ATP™ is our 100% DNA certified, biomass cultured Cordyceps Sinensis Hybrid strain that yields maximal levels of 3-Deoxyadenosine (Cordycepin), Adenosine, Ethyl-Adenosine, Hydroxyethyl-Adenosine, and Polysaccharides.  The unique and superior culturing process allows this hybrid strain to outperform all inferior, liquid fermented or non-hybrid strains by 95%.  OxyCeps-ATP™ adds incredible synergy to the CRE-02™ product! OxyCeps-ATP™ allows for rapid aerobic, anaerobic and ATP recovery during and post workout. Don’t confuse it with inferior quality or bulk cordyceps 99.99% of other companies use.*

What is Jiaogulan?

Jiaogulan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) is known China and Japan as the "Immortality Herb" and may have many benefits.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Jiaogulan is used to support healthy cardiac and lung function, oxygen utilization, endurance, stamina, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, immune function, sleep, sexual prowess, mental clarity, overall energy and in the prevention of altitude sickness caused by hypoxia.*

Jiaogulan is a powerful adaptogen containing 82 known saponins called gypenosides. Many of these gypenosides including 3, 4, 8 & 12 are responsible for Jiaogulan’s positive effect on oxygen absorption and utilization.  Clinical studies have shown Jiaogulan to effectively support cardiac function increasing heart stroke volume by 37%, overall cardiac output by 21% and bolstering ejection fraction 13% while decreasing heart rate 10% and maintaining normal blood pressure.  Jiaogulan also shows ability to increase nitric oxide synthase which can lead to increased nitric oxide levels to further support cardiovascular function.  This shows the powerful ability of Jiaogulan to effectively and efficiently deliver oxygenated blood to the muscles for optimal endurance and performance.*

Jiaogulan displays powerful antioxidant properties bolstering endogenous SOD (superoxide dismutase) levels in clinical trials.  SOD is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown in studies to be directly related to longevity. The increase in SOD levels increase the overall value of Jiaogulan in Cordygen-VO2-ULTRA™ because it may aid in quenching exercise induced free radicals.*

Studies conducted in Japan, China and Germany showed continuous use of Jiaogulan to have a positive influence on lipid, glucose & cholesterol metabolism leading to positive fat loss and cardiovascular health. The combination of lipid and glucose metabolism with increased oxygen utilization make Jiaogulan the perfect fit for Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™ and anyone who needs accelerated fat loss during aerobic exercise. Clinics in Japan and China use Jiaogulan's effect on blood sugar and lipid metabolism to aid in weight loss for the obese and weight gain in the frail and have proven that Jiaogulan can help athletes gain and retain lean muscle mass due to aiding nutrient assimilation.  20 plus studies in China and Japan have also shown even small amounts of Jiaogulan may decrease LDL cholesterol levels and may increase healthy HDL levels with great efficiency providing more cardiovascular health benefits.*

What is Rhodiola?

Rhodiola Rosea (also known as Tibetan Rhodiola) is a cooling adaptogen that has been used by the many cultures including Tibetan Sherpas, the Chinese and Russians to increase the capacity for work. Studies have shown Rhodiola Rosea, even in small amounts, can have a positive effect on oxygen absorption, saturation and utilization.  Rhodiola supplementation in clinical studies has shown the ability to increase ATP 17% and creatine phosphate (CP) 45% above baseline levels.  Rhodiola has also shown to increase muscle glycogen levels 53% while decreasing lactic acid 18% and ammonia 60%.  Rhodiola has the unique ability to promote mental clarity, focus and willingness to work and perform by supporting natural serotonin & dopamine levels.  Proper neurotransmitter levels are crucial to keeping your head in the game.*

What is Poria Cocos?

Poria Cocos is the most widely used compound in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is prized for its ability to greatly enhance and deliver other nutrients and compounds. We all know the value of polysaccharides when it comes to nutrient enhancement, oxygen utilization and immune system support, but when delivered via enteric coating its bioavailability is heightened which leads to a much more profound effect as a delivery agent and increases it's mg/mg potency substantially.*

How soon can I expect to see results?

You should feel an increase in oxygen utilization and endurance from the very first dose and you should begin to see strength gains after the first week of continuous use.*

Do I need to load CRE-O2™ like other creatine products?

Absolutely not! Due to its unique delivery system there is no reason to front load


Will CRE-O2™ make me bloated, cramp or hold water?

Not typically.  Bloating, cramping and subcutaneous water retention common with other creatine supplements is almost never an issue with CRE-O2™. If you are in the small percentage of people who are incredibly sensitive to creatine side-effects you might still experience a small amount of water retention, but it’s rare*

I'm typically a non-responder to creatine type products. Will I benefit from CRE-O2™?

Yes! We feel that CRE-O2™ is the perfect product for non-responders. The tri-phase delivery system and stability of CRE-O2™ may be ticket to you finally responding to a creatine product.  Feedback from “creatine non-responders” has been overwhelmingly positive. *

Who can benefit from CRE-O2™ supplementation?

Anyone over the age of 18 looking to support strength, endurance, ATP, oxygen utilization and VO2 Max. Whether you are a bodybuilder, triathlete, powerlifter, MMA fighter, weekend warrior or professional athlete you will benefit greatly from CRE-O2™.*

Can I stack CRE-O2™ with other MST™ products?

Yes! CRE-O2™ was specifically formulated to stack with Nitroceps-ELITE™, but can be stacked with most of our products, including Cordygen5™, Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™, Agmatine-ELITE™, Carnage-ELITE™ and ALA-ELITE™.* When stacking CRE-02™ with other cordyceps containing products you should reduce the dosage of the cordyceps product and first assess tolerance one capsule at a time.

Thee are many, many ways to stack CRE-02.  Typical stacks and dosing included:

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen-NanO2: 1 scoop (15-20 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen-NanO2: 1 scoop (15-20 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Carnage-ELITE™: 4-6 DR-Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen5™: 1-2 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen5™: 1-2 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Carnage-ELITE™: 4-6 Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps
Carnage™: 6 Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Citruvol-ELITE™: 4- Caps
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Citruvol-ELITE™: 4- Caps
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps
Carnage™: 6 caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

Supplement Facts
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Product Details
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Supplement Facts



CRE-02™ is delivered via acid-resistant, delayed-release veggie capsules, creating a stomach stable creatine, ATP and Cordyceps matrix. This specialized delivery system allows the ingredients in CRE-02™ to bypass destruction & byproduct conversion in the acidic environment of the stomach, remaining intact for rapid diffusion and absorption in the more alkaline environment of the small intestine.*

Stacking Suggestions: CRE-O2™ may be stacked with Cordygen5™, Oxyjun® or Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™.

CRE-02™ is third party tested for banned substances and certified drug free by the BSCG (Banned Substances Control Group).  GLUTEN FREE PRODUCT!

Suggested Use: Training Days - For best results take four  (4) EC-Caps 120 minutes before weightlifting or endurance activity, preferably on an empty stomach. Non-Training Days: Continue taking four (4) EC-Caps. Athletes over 200 pounds may take 5 to 6 EC-Caps daily, if desired.  Note: If you train in the early morning you may take CRE-02™ prior to bed.

Warning: Consult your physician prior to use, especially if you have any existing medical condition. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing. Store in a cool, dry place. Excess heat & humidity can damage this product. Keep out of reach of children. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

CREATINE MagnaPower® is a registered trademark of Albion® Human Nutrition & is manufactured under US patent #6,114,379.

Where is CRE-O2™ Manufactured?

Like all of our awesome products, CRE-O2™ is proudly manufactured in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, USA in a cGMP facility.

Should I take CRE-O2 on my non-training days?

Yes, we recommend taking CRE-02 on your non-training days to keep it in your system. You can use a reduced dose (1-2 EC-Tabs) if desired.

I train first thing in the morning and I don’t have time to dose 120 minutes pre-workout. Can I still use CRE-O2?

Yes!  Take your dose prior to bed (it’s stimulant free and won’t keep you awake).  It will be plenty active in the morning and save you a lot of hassle.   

What Is OxyCeps-ATP?

The OxyCeps-ATP™ is our 100% DNA certified, biomass cultured Cordyceps Sinensis Hybrid strain that yields maximal levels of 3-Deoxyadenosine (Cordycepin), Adenosine, Ethyl-Adenosine, Hydroxyethyl-Adenosine, and Polysaccharides.  The unique and superior culturing process allows this hybrid strain to outperform all inferior, liquid fermented or non-hybrid strains by 95%.  OxyCeps-ATP™ adds incredible synergy to the CRE-02™ product! OxyCeps-ATP™ allows for rapid aerobic, anaerobic and ATP recovery during and post workout. Don’t confuse it with inferior quality or bulk cordyceps 99.99% of other companies use.*

What is Jiaogulan?

Jiaogulan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) is known China and Japan as the "Immortality Herb" and may have many benefits.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Jiaogulan is used to support healthy cardiac and lung function, oxygen utilization, endurance, stamina, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, immune function, sleep, sexual prowess, mental clarity, overall energy and in the prevention of altitude sickness caused by hypoxia.*

Jiaogulan is a powerful adaptogen containing 82 known saponins called gypenosides. Many of these gypenosides including 3, 4, 8 & 12 are responsible for Jiaogulan’s positive effect on oxygen absorption and utilization.  Clinical studies have shown Jiaogulan to effectively support cardiac function increasing heart stroke volume by 37%, overall cardiac output by 21% and bolstering ejection fraction 13% while decreasing heart rate 10% and maintaining normal blood pressure.  Jiaogulan also shows ability to increase nitric oxide synthase which can lead to increased nitric oxide levels to further support cardiovascular function.  This shows the powerful ability of Jiaogulan to effectively and efficiently deliver oxygenated blood to the muscles for optimal endurance and performance.*

Jiaogulan displays powerful antioxidant properties bolstering endogenous SOD (superoxide dismutase) levels in clinical trials.  SOD is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown in studies to be directly related to longevity. The increase in SOD levels increase the overall value of Jiaogulan in Cordygen-VO2-ULTRA™ because it may aid in quenching exercise induced free radicals.*

Studies conducted in Japan, China and Germany showed continuous use of Jiaogulan to have a positive influence on lipid, glucose & cholesterol metabolism leading to positive fat loss and cardiovascular health. The combination of lipid and glucose metabolism with increased oxygen utilization make Jiaogulan the perfect fit for Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™ and anyone who needs accelerated fat loss during aerobic exercise. Clinics in Japan and China use Jiaogulan's effect on blood sugar and lipid metabolism to aid in weight loss for the obese and weight gain in the frail and have proven that Jiaogulan can help athletes gain and retain lean muscle mass due to aiding nutrient assimilation.  20 plus studies in China and Japan have also shown even small amounts of Jiaogulan may decrease LDL cholesterol levels and may increase healthy HDL levels with great efficiency providing more cardiovascular health benefits.*

What is Rhodiola?

Rhodiola Rosea (also known as Tibetan Rhodiola) is a cooling adaptogen that has been used by the many cultures including Tibetan Sherpas, the Chinese and Russians to increase the capacity for work. Studies have shown Rhodiola Rosea, even in small amounts, can have a positive effect on oxygen absorption, saturation and utilization.  Rhodiola supplementation in clinical studies has shown the ability to increase ATP 17% and creatine phosphate (CP) 45% above baseline levels.  Rhodiola has also shown to increase muscle glycogen levels 53% while decreasing lactic acid 18% and ammonia 60%.  Rhodiola has the unique ability to promote mental clarity, focus and willingness to work and perform by supporting natural serotonin & dopamine levels.  Proper neurotransmitter levels are crucial to keeping your head in the game.*

What is Poria Cocos?

Poria Cocos is the most widely used compound in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is prized for its ability to greatly enhance and deliver other nutrients and compounds. We all know the value of polysaccharides when it comes to nutrient enhancement, oxygen utilization and immune system support, but when delivered via enteric coating its bioavailability is heightened which leads to a much more profound effect as a delivery agent and increases it's mg/mg potency substantially.*

How soon can I expect to see results?

You should feel an increase in oxygen utilization and endurance from the very first dose and you should begin to see strength gains after the first week of continuous use.*

Do I need to load CRE-O2™ like other creatine products?

Absolutely not! Due to its unique delivery system there is no reason to front load


Will CRE-O2™ make me bloated, cramp or hold water?

Not typically.  Bloating, cramping and subcutaneous water retention common with other creatine supplements is almost never an issue with CRE-O2™. If you are in the small percentage of people who are incredibly sensitive to creatine side-effects you might still experience a small amount of water retention, but it’s rare*

I'm typically a non-responder to creatine type products. Will I benefit from CRE-O2™?

Yes! We feel that CRE-O2™ is the perfect product for non-responders. The tri-phase delivery system and stability of CRE-O2™ may be ticket to you finally responding to a creatine product.  Feedback from “creatine non-responders” has been overwhelmingly positive. *

Who can benefit from CRE-O2™ supplementation?

Anyone over the age of 18 looking to support strength, endurance, ATP, oxygen utilization and VO2 Max. Whether you are a bodybuilder, triathlete, powerlifter, MMA fighter, weekend warrior or professional athlete you will benefit greatly from CRE-O2™.*

Can I stack CRE-O2™ with other MST™ products?

Yes! CRE-O2™ was specifically formulated to stack with Nitroceps-ELITE™, but can be stacked with most of our products, including Cordygen5™, Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™, Agmatine-ELITE™, Carnage-ELITE™ and ALA-ELITE™.* When stacking CRE-02™ with other cordyceps containing products you should reduce the dosage of the cordyceps product and first assess tolerance one capsule at a time.

Thee are many, many ways to stack CRE-02.  Typical stacks and dosing included:

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen-NanO2: 1 scoop (15-20 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen-NanO2: 1 scoop (15-20 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC-Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Carnage-ELITE™: 4-6 DR-Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen5™: 1-2 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs (120 minutes pre-workout)
Nitroceps-ELITE™: 4 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Cordygen5™: 1-2 DR-Caps (45-120 minutes pre-workout)
Carnage-ELITE™: 4-6 Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps
Carnage™: 6 Caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Citruvol-ELITE™: 4- Caps
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps

CRE-O2™: 3 EC Tabs
Citruvol-ELITE™: 4- Caps
Cordygen-VO2 ULTRA™: 1-2 Caps
Carnage™: 6 caps Daily (taken in divided doses)

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